windows can’t be installed on drive 0 partition 1

So you get this ole Chestnut of an error and its driving you mad! so good news the fix is very quick and easy.

Simply follow these steps:

Firstly click “OK” on the error message,

Press the X in the top right corner of the window.

Now it will say are you sure you wish to cancel press “Yes”

it will return you to the first screen of windows install

Now select your correct languages and press “Next”

Now for the interesting bit, on your keyboard press “Shift” + “F10”. (on some laptops you will need to press “Shift” + “F10” + “FN”(this is normally a blue or red key in the bottom right on the keyboard).

now a Black Command window will open

Type the following lines each one finished by pressing return / enter:

  • Diskpart
  • List Disk
  • Select Disk (and whatever number disk you want to change)
  • Clean

That should resolve your problem if not then repeat the same process but add this command to the end

  • Convert GPT


Hope this has been helpful guys.

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