Faulting application pip.exe, faulting module ntdll.dll

Faulting application pip.exe, version, faulting module ntdll.dll, version 5.1.2600.6055, fault address 0x00011689.

Symptoms of this error

When opening the Microsoft Picture It! Publishing 2001, you may be greeted with this error message, it might happen when clicking the browser, my documents, or even when you select open file.

Cause of the problem

This problem is caused by Picture It! not being able to open a file, normally this is a PNG file however it can be any image that is modern and not compatible with Picture it!(due to age)


The solution is to delete or convert the image causing the problem to a JPG image. The best method to find the image causing the error is to open picture it, click “my documents” in the top left and when it crashes it will display a filename at the top middle of the screen for example “Mask.png”. you will then need to find and delete or convert this file.

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